Gastgeberinnen des Abends zu Ehren des Dichters Erich Fried: Katharina Kohm (links) & Christine Langer (rechts) © Christine Langer & Katharina Kohm, Quelle: Privatarchiv Langer
Literature picture gallery

Friday 28.06.2024

07:30 PM - 09:00 PM

EinsteinHaus - Ulmer Volkshochschule / Club Orange

Kornhausplatz 5

89073 Ulm

Ulm Poetry Summer: The Freedom to Open your Mouth

An evening in honor of the poet Erich Fried with Katharina Kohm & Christine Langer

Love poems thought politically - Katharina Kohm & Christine Langer read political poems and love poems by Erich Fried, discuss them and contrast them: The poems embody the narrowness and breadth of human existence: desire & suffering, movement & stagnation, courage & fear, ecstasy & death. Also in the program: an AI experiment!


Venue Organizer

EinsteinHaus - Ulmer Volkshochschule / Club Orange